<attention>Languages: English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Polish, Portuguese, French.</attention> Before ordering online activation, check for compliance with the minimum requirements of your computer in the game you are interested in. If your computer does not meet the minimum requirements of the game, we are not responsible for the goods you purchase. After you activate the game you get to use our Microsoft Store account to download Gears of War 4. The game has a network mode* that will allow you to play online with your friends. You need to play from your account Xbox Live this ensures that all achievements and progress will be only yours. The game has no regional restrictions. <attention>Minimum system requirements:</attention>ОС: The game runs only under Windows 10 (64-bit) version 1909 or later(the Game is not compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1). CPU: Intel Core i5 3470 / AMD FX-6300 RAM: 8 GB Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750Ti / AMD Radeon R7 260x (Support for DirectX 12 required) Disk space: 120 GB The presence of an installed application Microsoft Store Having the Xbox app installed <attention>Instructions for preparing for activation:</attention>1) To upgrade to Windows 10 to the latest version of the release. 2) Enable the Windows update service (If disabled). The item is mandatory. 3) To log out of your Microsoft Store account and make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements of the game. Also make sure that you have no problems with installing applications through the Store(Microsoft Store). 4) Make sure you have the Xbox app installed. 5) Install TeamViewer https://www.teamviewer.com 6) No need to download the game before activation (download the game is included in the activation process of the game). 7) Buy the game and wait until the seller will contact you (from 5 minutes to 7 hours, depending on the time of day). Please check your mail in the spam section, sometimes our answers go to the spam folder.<delivery>- activation does not crash when reinstalling Windows and deleting an account with a game from the Microsoft Store, since you can reactivate the game yourself using the DG_MSActivator application. - If you plan to change the PC components, such as CPU and motherboard, you first need to write to the administrator to transfer the license. - changing the password and any account data is strictly prohibited. - you can only play from your Xbox live account. - all achievements in the game are stored only on your Xbox live account. - automatic game updates. - game mode for two on the same screen(split screen) is missing. - activation of the game only on PC with Windows 10. - activation on Xbox One do not produce. - we do not give out activation codes for the game, the game is activated by logging in to our account.</delivery>* The network mode is currently working, but if Microsoft blocks this feature over time, then no claims will be accepted.